I'm getting my second bottle for my Gigi-- she loves it and I feel good knowing that I have helped her-- plus she has lost weight, which ultimately helps her ability to walk. Is there anyone using it with birds? I'm the crazy bird lady and have a couple of conures (parrots) that I think would...
Improved my dogs ability to walk on a torn ACL-- she is no longer limping or favoring the foot. She doesnt chase things much becasue of it, but she is not feeling pain anymore and is stable on her feet. So, I can attest that my dog has done beautifully with the canine bliss. Thanks!
Ive been using the canine bliss for a month and put it on the dog treat at night- its a bedtime ritual.. My 12 pound chihuahua has a torn knee cap and the doc says it would cost too much to surgically fix it and it may not last becasue she is too heavy. So i started adding green beans to her...